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Why Bother?

There are FIVE main reasons why we must solve the plastic pollution problem, and soon.


The Plastic Pollution problem is HUGE !!! There are millions of plastic objects finding their way into rivers, lakes and oceans every month. There are trillions of plastic objects in waterways around the world that are destroying the natural environment in ways that have never been seen before. 

By 2050, plastic will likely outweigh all fish in the sea.


This Plastic Pollution is then swallowed by valuable fish like tuna, trout and salmon as well as larger sea creatures including whales, turtles, sharks, porpoises and dolphins, leading to their death through suffocation and drowning.


We need those fish to feed our populations. With fishing catches declining rapidly, we need to take action now. The Gulf of Thailand represents a unique opportunity to reverse this trend and provide the Thai people with a growing and reliable source of wild fish, and lead the world by example!


There is a current fishing war caused by fierce competition between fishing vessels all competing for limited fish catches. Too many fishermen feel forced to resort to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing IUU in waters that do not belong to them. 


The REAL ISSUE with Plastic Pollution is that it remains in the environment, degrading over time into microplastics. Fish eat these dangerous microplastics which are then absorbed into the food chain. Every day, the mountain of plastic pollution grows bigger and the vital fish catches grow smaller. It's time to act!

microplastics in plankton

microplastics in fish

microplastics are everywhere

This is a HUGE PROBLEM. The time for talk is over !!!

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Leading By Example

Thai Union pledges US$200m (THB 7 Billion) for sustainability as well as safeguarding ecosystems.