The Delta Star Global "Aquatic Plastic Pollution Removal Project" includes a strategic plan to REPURPOSE all recovered pollution into environmentally friendly ARTIFICIAL REEFS for fish and marine life to thrive in the Gulf of Thailand and become an abundant and sustainable food source again for the people of Thailand.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Recover the garbage from various locations using different methods
Rethink all the intended "end states" of the various garbage types
Apply the most practical "end states" to the various garbage types
With the apparently "sudden and unexpected" arrival of massive volumes of plastic pollution and other garbage in our oceans and rivers, there is an urgent need to totally RETHINK how our garbage is managed.
Thailand has a unique opportunity to develop the shallow waters (10-80m) of the Gulf of Thailand into a giant collection of artificial reefs for reef and coastal pelagic fish to thrive. (see water depth map below)
Let's do it !!!
The Delta Star Aquatic Plastic Pollution Recovery Project proposes that the artificial reefs be constructed with strong and lightweight concrete shell structures. These concrete shells are then filled with garbage that has been broken down into small pieces and mixed with a slurry of low value dirt. This framework is then lowered to the gulf floor for fisn and other marine life to discover and populate. It is a reasonable expectation that, over time, this large group of artificial reefs will provide a large and sustainable cash crop for Thai fishermen.
Some excellent artificial reef designs are currently being evaluated.